Questo è Luciano Rupolo, collezionista d’auto d’epoca.
Luciano si racconta in quest’intervista rilasciata a Locals Magazine: la passione per le auto, coltivata fin dalla giovane età, lo ha portato a possederne un considerevole numero, tra cui la rarissima Porche 356/2 telaio 004. Nel video viene spiegato come sia entrato in possesso di quest’auto e di come, da macchina ormai allo sfascio, abbia saputo restaurarla completamente, tanto da essere contattato direttamente dalla casa madre per riacquistarla.
This is Luciano Rupolo, a collector of vintage cars.
In this interview for Locals Magazine, Luciano tell us his passion for cars, cultivated from an early age, that led him to possess a considerable collection, including the very rare Porsche 356/2 chassis 004. In this video he tells the story of how he found and restored this amazing car.
In this interview for Locals Magazine, Luciano tell us his passion for cars, cultivated from an early age, that led him to possess a considerable collection, including the very rare Porsche 356/2 chassis 004. In this video he tells the story of how he found and restored this amazing car.